Assalaamu'alaikum wr.wb. Sobat blogger dimanapun berada, semoga Allah selalu menjauhkan kita dari orang-orang yang ingin berbuat jahat kepada kita, aamiin.
Sobat blogger yang masih baru belajar menelusuri dunia maya atau bahkan yang sudah biasa blusukan didunia maya, tetap hati-hati. Dunia maya bak hutan belantara yang banyak sekali kemungkinan terjadi yang tidak pernah kita duga-duga. Untuk itu, tetaplah selalu memohon perlindungan kepada Allah agar Allah selalu menjaga kita dari hal-hal yang membuat kita hina, membuat kita menderita.
Termasuk diantaranya ketika masuk dunia maya kita kenal namanya Email. Email ini sangat bermanfaat untuk membantu kita dalam berkirim surat secara elektronik. Bagi pebisnis juga bermanfaat dalam menyebar informasi tentang produknya dalam rangka promosi atau pengiklanan produk-produk yang dipasarkan.
Namun disisi lain, ada pihak-pihak yang dengan sengaja mengeksploitasi email ini untuk niat jahat. Diantaranya adalah untuk penipuan. Melalui email yang tanpa bayar/ gratis banyak orang yang menggunakan untuk menipu orang lain, menguras harta seseorang. Maka sobat blogger berhati-hatilah. Tidak hanya email gratisan yang diserang, email berbayar juga bisa mereka susupi.
Banyak orang yang sudah tertipu, dari 1 sampai 5 juta hingga puluhan dan ratusan juta. Sobat jangan penasaran, percaya saja toh ini bukan ajakan maksiat.
Email yang masuk ke inbox sobat harus dicermati, jangan semua direspon. Kalau tidak kenal ya sudah jangan dibalas. Berikut beberapa contoh email yang biasanya mencoba menipu orang-orang yang merespon :
Dear Beloved one,
I am Mrs Nicole Marois, and i have been suffering from ovarian cancer disease and the doctor says that i have just two days to leave.I am from (Paris) France but based in Africa Burkina Faso since eight years ago as a business woman dealing with gold exportation.
Now that i am about to end the race like this,without any family members and no child, I have $3 Million US DOLLARS in Africa Development Bank(ADB)Burkina Faso which i instructed the bank to give (St Andrews Missionary Home) in Burkina Faso, But my mind is not at rest because i am writing this letter now through the help of my computer beside my sick bed.
I also have $4.5 Million US Dollars at (ECO BANK PLC) here in Burkina Faso and i instructed the bank to transfer the money to the first foreigner that will apply to the bank after i have gone that they should release the fund to him/her,but you will assure me that you will take 50% of the money and give 50% to the orphanages home in your country for my heart to rest with GOD.
Return back to me immediately if you can handle this transfer project on my behalf before death cross my way so that i will send to you a copy my international passport which you will show to the bank to make the bank know that i instructed you to contact them for the transfer of my fund with them to you, and also give to you the bank contact information so that you will apply for the transfer of the fund and fulfill my dream of building orphanage home in your country, waiting to hear from you through my private email address, (
Yours fairly friend,
Mrs Nicole Marois.
I am Mrs. Celine Sales manager of Browntex General Merchandise Paris, France.
I want a long term business relation with your company once i confirm you
can render the best of service to us.
We buy in large quantity and quality that the main aim i want to do
business with your company.
Check the attached file order and confirm if you have the sample needed so we
can start business immediately.
I await your reply once you confirm the sample picture.
Mrs.Celine V.
Sales Manager Office
Browntex General Merchandise
23 williams street
Paris, France
Dear friend,
I am Mr. Abdel Salem, the head of file department of Bank of Africa (B.O.A) here in Burkina Faso / Ouagadougou. In my department I discover an abandoned sum of (US$18.2M) in an account that belongs to one of our foreign customer who died along with his family in plane crash.
It is therefore upon this discovery that I now decided to make this business proposal to you and release the money to you as the next of kin or relation to the deceased for the safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it. I agree that 40% of this money will be for you, and 60% would be for me. Then after the money is been transferred into your account, i will visit your country for an investment under your kind control.
You have to contact my Bank directly as the real next of kin of this deceased account with next of kin application form which I will send to you immediately I hear from you. I am waiting for your urgent respond to enable us proceed further for the transfer.
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Abdel Salem.
Masih banyak lagi format lain yang tidak bisa saya muat semua. Waspadalah!!!
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